Hääkuvaaja Oulu

Hääkuvaaja Harri Rauhanummi. Blogissani esittelen uusimmat hääkuvat sekä muut juhlat. Valokuvaaja Oulu.

Lapsikuvaus Oulu

Between weddings I photograph a lot of family- and child portraits. Usually parents contact me when their sun-shine is turning one year old. I really enjoy working with kids although sometimes it might be very challenging if the baby is having a grumpy day. I have few clients who I first met as their wedding photographer and later they contacted me again if I could photograph their baby as well. It is a great honor to be present and document the greatest moments of my clients lives.

More family- and child photos at my Facebook page. Also don't forget to answer my facebook question, you can win 50€ gift card (you need to have "questions" installed and probably english as your facebook language).