Viime aikoina olen tehnyt paljon lapsikuvauksia. Jos häissä on lapsia, niin kuvaan aina heitä, sillä lapset ovat kuvissa hyvin aitoja. Pohjimmiltaan dokumentaarisessa hääkuvauksessa onkin kyse aitojen tunteiden ja hetkien vangitsemisesta. Alla oleva valokuvani saavutti juuri kolmannen sijan WPJA:n kansainvälisen hääkuvakilpailun lapsikuvien kategoriassa. Tässä linkki kuvaan ja tuomarien kommentit:
"These girls are made for this portrait. Those balloons were destined to be held by them. That wall behind them was always their backdrop. In short, all I’m saying is that everything comes together in this portrait just as it should be. It is an image carved from light as carefully as their carefully managed hair."
Recently I have been photographing a lot of kids. If there are children at weddings I always took their photos because kids are so genuine with their expressions. After all documentary wedding photography is about genuine moments and expressions. The photo above placed 3rd in WPJA's 2013 Q4 contest's child category.
Here's the link and judges comments about my photo:
"These girls are made for this portrait. Those balloons were destined to be held by them. That wall behind them was always their backdrop. In short, all I’m saying is that everything comes together in this portrait just as it should be. It is an image carved from light as carefully as their carefully managed hair."